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I receive a lot of questions in regards to biomagnetism, so I have attempted to consolidate as many of those questions as I can on this page. If you find yourself with a question about biomagnetism that I haven't answered here, feel free to ask me once we have a session together.  

How does biomagnetism work?

Life on Earth would not exist without the presence of magnetism. We share a very close relationship with it and all living organisms on our planet have adapted and evolved within the presence of Earth’s magnetic field. Life simply cannot exist without magnetism! It is a core principal of life and a necessary component of our known universe. When we place magnets of a specific strength in key areas on the body, (humans and animals alike) we actively influence the hydrogen molecule that is already present inside the body. Hydrogen plays a role in immune support and cell waste management which assists in the body’s healing process. When we use both poles of the magnet (north and south together in pairs) on the body, it enables the body to kick into high gear and begin the process that it does best – heal itself.

Is biomagnetism safe? Are there any side effects?

Biomagnetism is a completely safe, gentle, and side-effect free approach to supporting your wellness journey. Remember, it’s the body that’s doing the healing. (The magnets offer the support system, and trust me, you’re not broken!) 


You can rest easy knowing that this approach is just supporting what your body already knows how to do.  No matter whether you’re experiencing a health challenge currently or you’re a thriving individual, you can experience the potential benefits of biomagnetism worry free. There are no contraindications and biomagnetism is completely safe for adults, children, pregnant women, and animals. 

Can I receive biomagnetism with other therapies or medicines?

Yes! Biomagnetism works wonderfully as either a stand-alone approach or an adjunctive therapy. It does not interact with any known medications, other medical treatments, alternative therapies, herbs, supplements, etc.

How long does it take to see results from the therapy and how many sessions do I need?

While each person’s body is a unique ecosystem all its own and it’s sometimes hard to nail down exact time frames/outcomes.  It could take more sessions to see the progress your after or it could take less sessions. It all depends on the state your body is in as we move forward. 

Are multiple sessions necessary?

While it is not necessary to have multiple sessions, we do see the best outcomes when you have consistency and time for the body to heal. It is ultimately up to you to decide what is best for your journey and I am always happy to have that conversation with you.

How long does a session last?

Most sessions last between 1.5-2 hours. If a shorter or longer session is needed or requested, we can discuss it prior to your appointment.

Is biomagnetism covered by insurance?

Currently biomagnetism therapy is not covered by insurance. 

Can I have biomagnetism therapy if I have a pacemaker or other device?

Yes, biomagnetism is perfectly safe for individuals who have a pacemaker or other electronic implantable device. If you do have an implantable device, I will just need to know where it’s located and I can walk you through how we approach it. Biomagnetism is also completely safe for individuals with stents or any type of surgical metal in their body whether it be pins/rods/or screws. 

What happens during a session?

A typical session consists of the client laying on their back fully clothed on a massage table with their feet slightly hanging off the table. The biomagnetism therapist uses special shoes that allows them to perform a technique called muscle testing. This is a way for the body to give us a biofeedback response which allows us to see if there are existing imbalances and where the magnets need to be placed. The biomagnetism therapist (in this case, me!) will sit at the end of the massage table and gently shake the client’s feet and wait for the proper biofeedback response. In this case, we are looking for one of the legs to slightly contract which causes one of the feet to appear shorter. This process goes on throughout a session as well as rotations of placing magnets.  Remember, some sessions may be shorter or longer depending on what the body is communicating.

What can I expect post session?

Clients have often reported a wide variety of feedback post-session. Some clients see changes within 24 hours, some within 72 hours, and others can take longer. It is very important that you hydrate both before and after a session. I generally suggest you consider putting a little salt in your water post session to help with electrolyte balance and hydration. (Sea salt, Himalayan salt, Celtic salt, or Redmond Real salt. No iodized white table salt.) Since the magnets interact with the hydrogen present in the body, it is important to have enough hydration afterwards so that the body can be optimized while doing its job. 

I’ve heard of remote healing and remote biomagnetism, how does that work?

Everything is essentially energy at the level of the smallest particles. Because we are electric and magnetic beings, our thoughts produce a measurable electric field that becomes a magnetic waveform. When we focus that waveform through intention, remarkable things begin to take place. For many people this realm of healing is a bit too far-fetched. I was also quite skeptical about remote healing when I first learned biomagnetism. However, after having had enough remote biomagnetism sessions under my belt and with the graciousness of a few clients who were willing to have third party testing completed, (both pre and post session lab work) I was convinced that this is something that warrants further scientific study. Quantum physics best describes what we are observing through remote biomagnetism as “spooky action at a distance.” If you want to know more, I am happy to discuss the ins and outs with you! 

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